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Hey, I recently downloaded two mods, Seven Deadly Sins and Volumetric.  I put them in the right folders, but when I click on enable mod from inside Sins, It gives me an error message saying

Saved MiniDump:

C:/ (Where I saved my mods)-v1.12-2208-12-14-19-24-46-2708-3176.dmp


Then, my game crashes and I get the windows error message


Please help

on Dec 14, 2008

Giving us the minidump helps in no way unfortunately!

Its a code that only Starock/Ironclad can decipher!

As for your crash issue. be aware you can only use 1 mod at a time and that currently 7DS is only compatible with Sins v.1.05! NOT thet recent 1.12!

So if youre playing under v.1.12, you will AUTOMATICALLY get a minidump! (I think this is your issue)!

Answer to the question is either backtrack, uninstall Sins, reinstall and only take update up to v1.05 (which you can only find from other players now who safeguarded the files). OR, play v.1.12 compatible mods (slowly but surely everyone is getting up to shape)!

May I recommend EPIC MOD! which Kiedjor and myself work on ! Critics rate it fairly high, and it only gets better


Justin S.

on Dec 14, 2008

With regards to Volumetric mini-mod, the currently available version (0.8) is not compatible with the latest version of Sins, due to the fact that the explosion system has been changed. A new, upgraded release of the Volumetric mod will be available very shortly for download, including a merge-ready version which you can apply to any other mod of your choice which does not use custom-named explosions effects.

on Dec 14, 2008

DAMN! I just noticed, I'm one karma behind ManShOOter.  Must be getting good then

on Dec 15, 2008

awesome, thanks guys, this was really getting on my nerves.  Is there a list of mods that work with v 1.12 anywhere?

on Dec 15, 2008

BTW, Epic mod is awesome, thanks man